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Chromebook 1-to-1 program

In order to facilitate an equitable environment for all of our students, Benjamin Franklin High School provides all incoming students with a school-issued Chromebook. Instructional materials and testing experiences have migrated online and it is imperative for students to have a reliable device for school work. By providing a standard school-issued device, parents are not responsible for choosing, maintaining or supporting this essential educational resource.

We have a Chromebook Program FAQ available to read.

Benjamin Franklin High School is committed to supporting the technology needs of our campus community. If you have any questions about technology at the school, please contact the IT Department at

Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD)

Students may use their own personal device at faculty discretion. School-managed devices are required for all standard testing and some coursework. Any relatively modern computer (i.e. less than five years old) with at least an 11-inch display and a keyboard could be utilized. Personal devices may join the campus Wifi (BFHS Wifi) with their own username and password, or utilize the Guest Wireless network.

Students may check out a Chromebook by visiting the IT offices in room 229.


Students are provided with a PaperCut printing quota of $3.00 at the start of the school year. This balance is to track printing allowance and does not represent actual funds. The allowance helps us manage and allocate printing resources fairly across campus. Every month, students get an additional $0.50 top-up to a maximum of $3.00.

Printing in black & white is one cent ($0.01) per page and printing in color is ten cents ($0.10) per page.

At this point in time, students may use the printer in the former library space.

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